Tag: PR

How to Leverage Automation for Better Coworking PR

Automating boring PR tasks

It’s Fred at Prezly, back again for one last post about using PR to promote your coworking space. From creating press releases to sending pitch emails to managing relationships with local influencers, we’ve covered a lot of ground on how to bootstrap your way to PR success.

If this sounds like a lot of work, you’ll be relieved to learn that today’s blog post is all about automation.

Eight reasons to love PR automation

PR is ultimately a human-powered industry. Robots and computers can’t forge relationships, build trust, or tell great stories about how coworking has transformed the world of work. That said, there are plenty of repetitive PR tasks that we’re more than happy to automate.

Here are five really important but boring PR tasks that are better left to robots, and the tools you’ll need to automate them:


  • Track email responses with Yesware. If you send a lot of pitch emails, use Yesware to keep track of responses. Yesware is a Gmail and Outlook add-on that lets you monitor opens, clicks, and responses for every email you send to influencers. You can even automate your outreach with editable templates that pre-load in your inbox, so you don’t have to cut-and-paste every pitch.
  • Customize an email response with Rapportive. Rapportive is a simple Gmail add-on that shows you important social media data from every person who emails you. You can then tailor your reply based on the sender’s location, their recent tweets, and other online activity.
  • Enrich your influencer list with social data from FullContact. If you have a list of email addresses but no social profiles, use FullContact to quickly, easily, and automatically enrich your data. Just enter an email address or Twitter handle, and FullContact’s API gives you a list of associated social profiles. You can also sync contacts from all your address books, fix duplicates, and correct formatting errors in your database.
  • Nurture influencers with the help of Contactually. Contactually sends you automatic reminders to contact influencers whom you haven’t reached out to in awhile. Use it to periodically nurture your influencer list with useful links and articles, even when you don’t have big news to share. You’ll build credibility, show them you care, and increase your chances of getting coverage when you need it.
  • Publish and pitch social media press releases with Prezly. Prezly is the glue that will hold all your other PR efforts together. Prezly gives you everything you need to create and distribute beautiful, mobile-friendly social media press releases, send pitch emails with media previews, manage your contact database, and track email response rates.

Embrace automation, and it will set you free

When it comes to repetitive PR tasks, automation = liberation. Anything that lets you spend more time getting creative and less time in Excel hell is a beautiful thing. Jokes aside, automating the boring stuff means you’re free to focus on telling great stories, strategizing campaigns, and building strong influencer relationships. That’s the best stuff, by far.

If you liked this short PR crash course, I hope you’ll give Prezly a try. As I’ve mentioned before, coworking space owners and managers can use our software free for 3 months. Just sign up for the free trial on our website, then email us with the name of your coworking space.

If you have any remaining questions, please feel free to find me on LinkedIn. I’d be happy to help in any way I can.

How To Promote Your Coworking Space with Social Media Press Releases


Ramon, author of The Coworking Handbook, has kindly invited me to guest post here with some tips to help coworking space owners and managers get more local publicity. His coworking space in Brussels was my company Prezly’s home for years. We built the first versions of our PR software there and watched our company grow from a tiny startup into a successful business. We recently moved to our own office, but I look back on our time at Betacowork with many great memories.

This is my opportunity to give back. Over the next few weeks, I’ll share hard-earned advice to help you spread the word for your coworking space, using the same techniques that many modern and expensive PR agencies use. This week, I’ll introduce you to social media press releases, why they matter, and how to create them – it’s easier than you think.

Social Media Press Releases 101

Let’s start with the basics. What is a press release, anyway? At its simplest level, a press release is a story that you tell about your brand, such as the launch of your new coworking space or the results of a survey you’ve conducted about the ways people work in your city.

A social media press release goes one step farther. In addition to text, social media press releases contain video, images, and anything else that will help journalists discover, share, and write about your story. Here’s an example.

Why You Need Social Media Press Releases

Quite simply, social media press releases outperform plain text releases. By a lot. Because they’re hosted online rather than inside a pitch email, journalists and consumers can find your press releases via search, link to them, and share them on social media. The resulting bump in views is far from trivial. In fact, two-thirds of traffic to press releases comes from social and search.

Adding multimedia, such as a photo of your coworking space and video interviews with people who work there, can boost your traffic even more. A study from PR Newswire found that press releases containing multimedia assets get up to 9.7 times as many views as text alone.

Content editors and journalists know this. They’re already under pressure to include more visuals in their articles, so give them what they want. You’ll increase your odds of getting coverage, you’ll gain trust with your influencers, and your story will be more engaging to readers.

Eight Tips for Press Releases that Rock

At this point, you may be thinking that social media press releases sound great, but how much work does it really take to create them? Luckily, it’s not as hard as it sounds. Here are a few tips to help you make them awesome.

  1. Write a great headline. The headline is the first thing a journalist sees. Make it good, or they may not read any further. You should also make sure it’s tweetable, so keep it to 140 characters or less. For more great advice, check out this short guide to writing catchy headlines.
  2. Get straight to the point. Address your most important point in the first paragraph of your press release. Keep the rest of the release to two pages or less. One page is better.
  3. Back up your story with hard numbers. Facts and statistics will make your story stronger. Use them. But first, double-check your sources to make sure they’re credible.
  4. Include quotes. A good quote will make your story more interesting and human. Quotes can come from people inside or outside your company (or both), as long as they’re relevant.
  5. Add share buttons. Make it easy for readers and journalists to share your press release by calling out share buttons, retweetable phrases, and anything else you want them to share.
  6. Make it mobile-friendly. Many journalists read pitches on the go, so make sure your press release looks as good on a mobile screen as it does on a monitor. We’ve made it easy for you with this downloadable mobile template that makes your press release look great on smartphones, tablets, and desktop monitors.
  7. Provide contact information. This one sounds obvious, but it’s also easy to overlook. Include a name, email address, and phone number on every press release so journalists can easily contact you for more details.
  8. Use high resolution images. High resolutions images will make your press releases look beautiful and professional. They look great in print, too, which makes life a lot easier for journalists who no longer need to ask you for printer-friendly images.

Follow these tips, and you’ll be well on your way to telling a great story about your coworking space, one that journalists and influencers will actually want to read and share.

Congrats! You’ve reached the end of the first article. Hopefully this means you’re really interested, in which case I’ve got good news for you.. At the beginning of this post, I mentioned that I make software for PR professionals. It’s called Prezly, and it lets you create and publish social media press releases. If you have a coworking space, I’d like to help you out. You can use my software for 3 months at no charge. Just sign up for the free trial on our website, then send us a quick email to let us know that you’re running a coworking space.

Next week, I’ll share a complete guide to adding visual content to your news releases, including a list of simple and inexpensive tools you can use to source and even create your own images, infographics, and videos. 

Till then.