Coworking Handbook Countdown Deal for the #CoworkingWeek (tic, tac, tic…)

Ramon is happy to support #CoworkingWeek!

Besides organizing a bunch of events at Betacowork for the Coworking Week, I thought that I should do something special with my coworking book. Lucky you, there will be a countdown deal for the Kindle version of The Coworking Handbook through and :) (Unfortunately, I cannot run deals on the paperback, if I could I would too.)

[Tweet “Limited discount of @cohandbook for #coworkingweek. The clock is ticking”]

The thing about this discount is that it will be smaller as the End of Coworking Week comes. There will be 5 increments and by 11 pm PST for the USA store and 11 pm for the UK store the book will be back to its original price.

Here are the schedules for both stores (no other stores are made available by Amazon):

[Tweet “Super discount today: @cohandbook special for #coworkingweek”]

Discount Coworking Handbook UK

The discount will start tomorrow night at midnight when the day changes from the 5th to the 6th. So set up a reminder in your agenda and do not miss this opportunity to get the only practical guide about operating a coworking space.

If you don’t have an account with any of these store, here’s how to change your Kindle store to take advantage of the deal.

Get your copy and spread the word!

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